Fall ... seems like this season will never end. We've got the leaves blown and raked and mulched and spread already! The grass is cut, the spring bulbs are planted and the summer bulbs stored for next season. What else is there to do? I have begun a new trellis to be installed in the spring, though at this rate it may be ready sooner than that. The squirrels are as fat as I ever want to see them. Of course there is ONE task left to complete ... those darn eavestroughs are still overflowing with leaves. |Not ours. Oh no. These leaves come from neighbouring trees, but they are our responsibility and I think, this year, we really should move 'em out. Only then will we feel right about putting on the snow tires. To every thing its season.
Found a great spring idea BTW!

Watch for a presentation about Master Gardener, the novel, at the 2013 Peterborough Garden Show. More info later.